SimplyCam V2. Documentation

Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the SimplyCam application window.

Cursor Position Prompt area Snap Setting Ortho mode On / Off Windows select Axis On / Off Grid On / Off Cancel / Done Layers Setting

Cursor Position

This area display the (x,y) position of the cursor in world coordinates.
If Snap options is active, the coordinates reflect the closest snapped point relative to cursor position.

Prompt area

This area shows the messages and requests that SimplyCam sends to you.

Snap (capture, hooking)

This tool ensures greater accuracy in defining the coordinates when creating entities.
The Snap tool recognizes the geometric characteristics of the entities closest to the cursor and captures the coordinates as End Point, Midpoint, Center, Point and Grid.

To set the Snap Mode press the "Snap" in the Status Bar.

You can also set the Snap Mode from the drop-down menu of the right mouse button.

SimplyCam identifies the snap point captured, in a dynamic way, using the distinctive symbols:

Snap Endpoint Snaps (capture) the nearest Endpoint of a line, an arc or a vertex of a polyline.

Snap MidPoint Snaps (capture) the nearest Midpoint of a line or arc.

Snap Center Snaps (capture) the nearest Center point of an arc or a circle.

Snap Point Snaps (capture) the coordinates of the nearest geometric entity Point.

Activating the Snap Grid option, the cursor can only select coordinates that belong to the range of the grid.
Spacing X and Spacing Y specify the snap spacing.

Mouse click on the "Grid Settings" item to define the spacing for the "Snap to Grid".

Ortho mode

The ortho mode (short for orthogonal) active, limits the movement of the cursor only in the horizontal direction and in the vertical direction.

Toggle On-Off mode by pressing the "Ortho" button in status-bar.

Also toggle On-Off ortho mode from the drop down menu of the right mouse button.

Windows select

The "Windows Select" allows you to select one or more entities within a rectangular area specified by two opposite vertices with the mouse.

Toggle On-Off mode by pressing the "Window Sel." button in status-bar.

You can toggle On-Off "Window Sel." mode, also from the drop down menu of the right mouse button.

Axis button

This option show/hide in the bottom of viewport the following:

Visible Grid

This option draw a 2D rectangular grid on the viewport.
To use the Visible Grid:

Toggle On-Off mode by pressing the "Grid" button in status-bar.

Mouse click on "Grid Settings" item to define the visible grid spacing.

Done / Cancel

Many operation required the following user commands:

The action "Done / Cancel" can be quickly validated from the drop-down menu of the right mouse button.


The Layers are used to separate and simplify access to geometric entities in a complex design.
Access the "Layer" dialog by clicking the "Layer Settings" button in the status bar or by clicking on the "Layer Dialog" item in the drop-down menu of the Geometry Manager.

Dialog Layer Setting: